SprachHaus Bamberg offers only one-to-one or microgroup lessons, no large group lessons available. Wir bieten keine staatlichen Integrationskurse an!

exam preparation

You’re in need of a German language  certificate – like Goethe, telc, TestDaF – for your current or your next job, but don’t know how to prepare for it? 

You’ve already been trying to learn German, in a group course in the evening or by yourself, with an app on your smartphone, but it didn’t help much and took you too long?

Learning German

Some friends or colleagues told you that they even gave up learning German because it’s all too difficult. Now you’re wondering whether learning German could turn into some kind of a never-ending story for you?

Here’s the solution

1-on-1 German homestay tuition at the teacher's house – the perfect solution for ambitious language students.

If you’re looking to improve your German language skills in a short time, you’ve found the right place!

Get intensive face to face training with your private teacher

Feel at home and relax in your teacher’s house

Get inspired by the atmosphere of the beautiful surroundings

Enjoy traditional German food, local craft beers and wine

Get in touch with German culture and history in a World Heritage City

Focus on Switzerland

SprachHaus Bamberg is looking back on a long working experience with expatriates working and living abroad in Switzerland.

Over the past 20 years  many foreign individuals living in Switzerland and understand very well about the challenges associated with integrating and dealing with the nuances of a different language and culture. 

Here at SprachHaus Bamberg we are here to help you not only with your German language certificates, but offer also our support if you want to apply for the Swiss citizenship.  And we have the experience required to do so.

What you can expect from us 
Our services

SprachHaus Bamberg offers you a variety of 1-on-1 and small group services to help improve your German:

online preparation to assess your specific needs and goals

 individual language training tailored to you

Business German for expatriates and professionals

conversational German for young people and families

exam preparation and formalities (Goethe, telc, TestDAF, DSH)

crosscultural training and coaching

Sports, activities and wellness programs

Accommodation in a single room with private toilet and shower.

Online tuition before and after your homestay-course

Language opens doors and hearts
Feel at home in SprachHaus Bamberg

SprachHaus Bamberg was founded in 2003 in the world heritage city of Bamberg in Bavaria. Our mission is to offer the most effective and quick way to learn German, stress-free and with fun! We offer only individual, tailor-made, one on one language trainings while living and relaxing at our lovely home near Bamberg. We are well prepared to train everybody from age 13 and up.

Your host: The Herrmann family

Über das SprachHaus Bamberg

Nun, der Anfang ist leicht erzählt. Ursprünglich aus der Richtung public relations und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit bei einem Stiftehersteller in Nürnberg kommend, stellte sich nach der Geburt meines Sohnes León 1996 die Frage nach Vereinbarkeit von Familie und Beruf.

Ich entschied mich zunächst dafür, Mutter und Hausfrau zu sein. Dann erinnerte sich ein damaliger Freund an mein Studium der Germanistik und fragte, ob ich aushilfsweise Manager aus Brasilien im Fach Deutsch unterrichten könnte. Am Anfang etwas skeptisch, weil ich ja eigentlich nie in meinem Leben eine Lehrerin sein wollte, willigte ich ein und betrat ein weites Feld, das mir auf Anhieb sehr viel Spaß machte. Nicht nur der Unterricht als solcher begeisterte mich, sondern mehr der Umgang mit den Menschen aus verschiedenen Kulturen. Und die Herausforderung für diese Menschen, sich in Deutschland zu integrieren, weckte mein Interesse.

Ich weitete mein Stundenkontingent aus, während mein Sohn zunehmend älter und unabhängiger wurde. Nach einigen Jahren Erfahrung im Gruppenunterricht mit Menschen aus der ganzen Welt bekam ich den Auftrag einer großen Firma in Bamberg, mich um die ausländischen Mitarbeiter, auch neben dem allgemeinen Sprachunterricht, zu kümmern. Schnell wurde ein Programm erstellt, es wurden regelmäßige Treffen organisiert und bei einem wöchentlichen Stammtisch geplaudert. Dabei traten immer wieder Herausforderungen interkultureller Art in den Vordergrund. Die Expatriates, zumeist Männer, kamen nach Deutschland, hatten einen neuen Job, der sie ausfüllte und vor ganz persönliche Herausforderungen stellte. Und dann waren da Frauen mit Kindern, beide ohne Sprachkenntnisse, die von heute auf morgen in einer völlig neuen Umgebung das Alltagsleben managen mussten: Ein unglaublicher Kraftakt. Da ich neben den Männern auch mit diesen Damen Deutschunterricht hatte, stellte sich sehr oft ein persönliches Verhältnis ein. Oftmals war an Unterricht gar nicht zu denken. Probleme mussten gelöst und immer Empfehlungen gegeben werden. Der Fantasie sind keine Grenzen gesetzt.
Daraus resultierend kam ich auf die Idee, genau diesen Frauen von Anfang an eine Unterstützung zu geben, indem die Familie zunächst bei mir und meiner Familie wohnte und dann im späteren Aufenthaltsverlauf eine eigene Wohnung bezog. So wollte ich sie fit machen für das Überleben in Deutschland.

Arztbesuche, Kindereinschulung, Einkaufen, wo finde ich einen Spielplatz und wie muss ich mit meinen deutschen Nachbarn umgehen, standen nun auf der Tagesagenda.
Aus Budgetgründen stellte die Firma, sehr zu meinem Bedauern, das Projekt für die Expatriates wieder ein und ich fiel in ein tiefes Loch.
Aber es musste ja weitergehen, und da kam die Idee, was wäre, wenn ich mein Projekt weltweit anbieten würde? Sprachunterricht und Leben bei der Lehrerfamilie unter einem Dach. Zum Glück hatte ich durch meine eigenen Erfahrungen als Ausländerin in der französischen Schweiz einst viele Kontakte knüpfen können, die ich nun reaktivierte und ein Netzwerk aufbaute. Die ersten Sprachgäste kamen. Ich war glücklich ging voll in meiner Arbeit auf, wurde eine zweite Mutter für viele Kinder und Jugendliche im Sommer und Ansprechpartner für zahlreiche Expatriates aus der ganzen Welt.

Heute, rund 20 Jahre später bin ich stolz auf das Erreichte, könnte diesen Job jedoch nie ohne meine Familie machen, die mich sehr unterstützt und voll in das Programm integriert ist. Carlo, mein Mann, hat sich neben seiner Arbeit einem Wirtschaftspsychologiestudium hingegeben und einer Interkulturellen Trainerausbildung unterzogen und widmet sich heute diesem zweiten Standbein des Sprachhauses. Unser Sohn studiert an der Universität Bamberg und ist in einem internationalen Umfeld aufgewachsen. Reisen und Sprachen sind für ihn das Wichtigste in seinem Leben. Heute als Erwachsener unterstützt er das SprachHaus in vielen administrativen Dingen. Das war leider nicht immer so. Als kleiner Junge konnte er oft nicht verstehen, warum seine Mama sich um all die Leute kümmern muss und er nicht im Mittelpunkt steht. Das führte manchmal zu Eifersuchtsszenen und Boykottmaßnahmen.
Der Spagat zwischen den Ansprüchen, eine gute Gastgeberin zu sein und ein Familienleben aufrecht zu erhalten, war an der Tagesordnung. Und, ehrlich gesagt, habe ich manchmal mit dem Gedanken gespielt, die ganze Sache hinzuschmeißen und einem geregelten Job nachzugehen. Der Wunsch, sich mal zurückziehen zu können, einmal sagen zu können: lasst mich in Ruhe, waren stetige Begleiter.

Heute denke ich, dass wir alles gut organisiert und im Griff haben. Wir bauen regelmäßig Auszeiten ein und machen viele Dinge mit unseren Gästen, die uns persönlich am Herzen liegen.

Bei alledem an dieser Stelle auch ein Dankeschön an alle Lehrer, Freunde und Helfer ohne die das SprachHaus gar nicht existieren würde.

Our Team


Andrea Herrmann, founder of SprachHaus Bamberg, has more than 20-years-experience teaching German as a foreign language. Andrea holds a Master degree in German and Journalism. She has lived and worked in Switzerland and France, and knows both countries quite well. In addition, Andrea completed her postgraduate course in teaching German to kids and teenagers.


SprachHaus teacher and husband of Andrea, Carlo grew up in a binational, German-Italian family. He has successfully run his own businesses for more than 30 years and is further educated in business and organizational psychology, coaching and intercultural communication. Carlo also teaches Italian and his focus lies in psychology, history, politcs and philosophy.


Born in Kassel, Germany, Claudia graduated from the University of Bamberg with a Master in German, Communication and Politics. She has worked in lived in Germany as well as in the US and is currently employed at the Frankfurt International School. While working with young children at a preschool level in school she also is a highly motivated teacher for German as a second language for high school students and adults in Frankfurt and at SprachHaus Bamberg.


I’ve learned how to speak the best German – High German – in my hometown near Bremen in northern Germany.

At the University of California at Davis I’ve learned the best methods for teaching German. To understand each type of German I’ve learned in Bavaria.


I am an experienced “German as foreign language” teacher with a passion for quality education and a commitment to give the best to my students. My teaching experience covers single & group lessons, teaching children age 5+.

Our House


Reference video

Charles Kawashima

I highly recommend SprachHaus in Bamberg. My first 8-months in Germany I worked with a private teacher 1:1. We made progress but not at the rate I was hoping to. I did lots of research and finally decided to spend 2-weeks at SprachHaus Bamberg…WOW! It was like a switch clicked in my mind and they returned me to my family speaking German!! 2-weeks here were equivalent to 08-months of weekly private lessons.

Complete immersion is the only way to learn a language and SprachHaus Bamberg does just that. They provide a safe learning environment – where you can make failures and learn – and there is a full team here to support you and they provide a very structured and professional learning environment truly customized to your learning style and needs. Those two weeks were so successful that I now continue to return for intensive weekends (Busy professional with a packed travel schedule!) and I’ll soon be taking my B2 test. When I compare my progress with others who’ve only stuck to private lessons, there is simply no comparison. My only regret is not doing this sooner, and before I came to Germany. 100% recommend.

Adriano Violante

I had the opportunity and the pleasure to spend a couple of weeks by the Sparchhaus Bamberg and to get advantage of the Skype lessons provided by Andrea in preparation of the language examination level B2. I can only recommend it! Friendly environment, competence, and nice and useful side-activities. The lessons are tailor-made to get the best out of you! By the way, no problem in passing the examination 😉

Enrico Zorzi

I’ve been three times at Sprachhaus Bamberg, and I always left happy! Thanks to the German I learnt both there in Bamberg and through Skype with them, I’m now studying in a German university!

As intensive as it is, the stay can often feel more like a vacation then a wearisome studying trip… and the learning is never confined to the morning classes, as you are immersed all day long in the German language. A useful and refreshing experience, that I recommend to anyone that wants to learn the German tongue!

Niki Pyrathon

I was at first little sceptical about learning language over the Skype… but just within first lesson my worries were all gone! Andreas techniques are very engaging for both, verbal and written, exercises. I have lessons once a week and learnt a great deal – Andrea prepared me for being confident to have the conversations and speak more… her teaching of grammar is really easy to follow and she makes the lessons fun. I plan to remain to continue to have my lessons and can only recommend the school and her personally.

Gianluca Rossi

Ho frequentato i corsi di tedesco di Andrea per diversi anni sempre trovandomi molto soddisfatto. Le lezioni sono preparate con cura e professionalita’. Con l’obiettivo di migliorare la conoscenza della lingua parlata e scritta sono partito da un livello base per acquisire nel tempo la scioltezza e gli automatismi necessari a superare vari esami. Consigliato il corso full immerson, occasione in cui tutta la famiglia di Andrea si e’ dimostrata amichevole e di grande aiuto nel raggiungimento dei miei obiettivi.

Hans Muller

Du kannst bei der sehr netten Familie Hermann Deutsch lernen, intensiv und mit Spass. Ausserdem ist Bamberg eine der schoensten Staedte in Deutschland.

Viel Spass bei der Familie Herrmann Deutsch zu lernen.





Chiara Rivolta

Se si vuole imparare il tedesco, SprachHaus Bamberg è davvero l’ideale! Sono arrivata che sapevo poche parole, ed in poco tempo ho imparato tantissimo…perché ci si immerge 24/7 non solo nella lingua, ma anche nella vita tedesca! Qui si studia benissimo la grammatica, si conversa sempre e si svolgono tante attività, si impara, ma anche divertendosi…in una parola: eccellente! La consiglio vivamente, una volta scoperta vorrete tornarci sempre e avrete grandi soddisfazioni!

Barbara Marchetti

Ho avuto l’opportunitá di fare per due volte un corso di tedesco da Andrea. Entrambe le volte il corso é durato due settimane. Andrea e la sua famiglia sono molto calorosi, simpatici e accoglienti. Il corso é ottimo per una full immersion nel tedesco. All’inizio del corso si definiscono gli obiettivi e nel mio caso specifico volevo prepararmi per degli esami al Goethe Institute (B1 e B2 rispettivamente) che ho poi superato senza problemi.

Pierluigi Esposito

Sono stato in SprachHaus per un periodo di 7 settimane. Partendo da 0 sono stato in grado di raggiungere un livello B1 impressionando vari colleghi al lavoro e in generale tutti i miei interlocutori in lingua tedesca Questo metodo full immersion da l opportunità di fare progressi molto rapidamente in un ambiente familiare, rilassante e divertente.

L alternanza di lezioni individuali frontali con attività “extra accademiche” permette inoltre un contatto ed una familiarizzazione con la cultura tedesca difficilmente acquisibili tramite i corsi di lingua tradizionali. Questo mi ha permesso un vantaggio competitivo e diretto sul posto di lavoro La famiglia è molto gentile e la cucina ottima; con alternanza di specialità tedesche, europee e anche italiane. Sembra di stare a casa propria! L’esperienza è stata a dir poco eccezionale e vale i soldi spesi.

Conto di tornare nel corso di quest’anno per migliorare il mio tedesco almeno fino ad un livello B2.

Erika Gnebusová

Najlepšia jazyková škola v príjemnom pohostinnom autentickom prostredí!Individuálne kurzy presne ušité na vašu mieru, vďaka čomu môžete očakávať efektívne výsledky.Budete v styku s nemčinou a nemeckou kultúrou 24 hodín denne a rodina Herrmann pre vás vykúzli zaujímavý program!

Courses / Prices 

Please note: all course prices are subject to a one-off registration fee of €60.

Seasonal programs

  • Easter special: excursion to visit the famous traditional „Easter fountains“. Easter menu with your tutor’s family and friends.
  • Autumn special: taste „Federweißer“, the new wine, or the strong „Bockbier“. Enjoy a walk through the colored forest.
  • X-mas special: Christkindlesmarkt: trip to the world’s most famous Christmas market in Nuremberg. “Bamberger Krippenweg”: Nativity trail through Bamberg’s Old Town.
  • Winter special: Hot springs on a cold day. Plenty of time to visit interesting museums.

German and wellness: relaxation massage, thermal bath, Shiatsu, meditation, shinrin-yoku, mindfulness training

German and beer / wine culture: visits of local breweries / winemakers, malting plant, brewery museum, vinothek, hops garden, beer / wine tasting …

German for gourmets: compose a seasonal menu with your tutor, go out to a typical local restaurant and taste specialties such as “Schäuferla” (pork shoulder), Franconian wine and beer tasting, …

Family course: The whole family is learning German! Take your kids with you for a very special and individual language course. Fun and activities in the afternoon.

German for kids and teens: when school ends and summer arrives, SprachHaus fills up with young people. We have a long experience with summer programs for juniors. Including full board, activities each day, supervision and a lot of fun.

Trips to other German cities, like classical Weimar, medieval Nuremberg, Bavarian and beer capital Munich, Dresden, fascinating and vibrant metropolis Berlin.

Exam preparation: All German exams, such as Goethe-Zertifikat, Telc, TestDAF plus the Swiss A-Level exam (Eidgenössische Maturität), Swiss naturalization test (Einbürgerungstest Schweiz), German naturalization test.

Intercultural training and coaching: increase your cultural awareness and get ready for your life in a German-speaking country.

Stay in the family with school attendance

Graduation certificate from grammar school – Report about the stay at the grammar school (Gymnasium). Handling of all formalities. Support is provided for school problems.

1090 € / month (5 or 10 months)

  • Full board at home (no lunch on Sundays)

  • Doing the laundry
  • Care of the child as usual in the family
  • Accommodation in a single room facing the garden/forest (photos available)
  • Possibilities: Taking part in sports courses or music lessons. Hobbies can be continued on request.


  • Minimum age 15 years and German level of A2
  • Language stay in advance of 2-3 weeks with the host family is necessary to get to know each other
  • Contact to parents strongly desired
  • Willingness to get to know Germany, its culture and language. It should not be a holiday year, but a meaningful stay with a result
  • Students go to school regularly and punctually
  • Integration as a member of the family, including small-scale activities
  • Homework is to be done regularly, collect school materials and keep them in order
  • Mutual respect and acceptance
  • House rules are indispensable – but are already clear during the language stay
  • Optional: German lessons with completion of a certificate (B1, B2) at extra costs.

Blended learning package

2.690€ /package

  • including  25 lessons (45 min. each) online training, 1 week (mon - Fri) exam preparation at the teacher’s house with 6 training units per day, cultural activities, full board.

Blended learning package: What is it?

Blended learning is the combination of three elements:

  • online 1-on-1 lessons with video calls, via skype or other service providers
  • self-study whenever, wherever and as much as possible
  • and a homestay, 1-on-1 language course at the teacher’s house in Germany.

Who benefits from blended learning? Everybody who wishes to make fast progress in learning German. Especially suitable for all kinds of exam preparations, job interviews or presentations to be held in German.

How does it work? You can start both ways: either with a kick-off week (or even two) here at the teacher’s house and then continue with online lessons and self-study. Or you begin the learning process with online lessons and come to SprachHaus as soon as your schedule allows it. In both cases, before any exam of German language, a week of exam prep here at SprachHaus is essential.

The key factors for learning success:

  • Attend online classes regularly, at least 2 times a week. One class a week can maintain your level, but you need more in order to make real progress.
  • Self-study is crucial! Build up your vocabulary constantly, ideally every day. Do your homework. Prepare your online classes in order to benefit the most of it. Listen to German music, watch movies in German, read simple texts.
  • Come to Germany! Only here you can get constant exposure to the language and practice it in real life situations. That really will make a big difference in your learning process.

classical homestay course

1.490€ / week

  • 5 x 4 lessons before lunchbreak
  • Full board
  • Cultural activities in the afternoon/evening
  • 1 excursion on the weekend for stays of two weeks or longer

Some of you might be too stressed from work and daily life, and maybe even a bit worried about having to learn German. At the end, it’s another task on your already full to-do list.

We’d like to invite you to change your perspective: consider the stay at the teacher’s house like a break, a time out from your daily routine. You will be treated well by your host family and will treat yourself well, by getting yourself enough sleep and spending plenty of time with Mother Nature. You will reduce your stress levels, relax and come down.

And learning will then be the stimulus your brain needs to keep the balance between being busy and relaxing.

To make it happen, we suggest that you arrive at least two days before course start. On Friday evening, for instance. Enjoy two days off. How about some coaching first? Let’s talk about your learning project: where do you come from, what would you like to achieve, what kind of problems have you encountered so far. Here at SprachHaus, coaching is always at hand. Anytime you like. Take advantage of your language stay.

After two days you start learning with a clear head and full of energy.

In the afternoons and evenings there’s time to continue your language holidays! You can choose from a wide range of activities: cultural activities in the city, sports activities in the forest, by the river, on or in water, massages, thermal springs. Or simply enjoy the possibility of doing … NOTHING!

Junior summer course

3.290€ / 2 weeks

  • 20 hours of classes during the morning, one-on-one with a private teacher
  • Repetition of school stuff, preparation for A-Level exams or any German exam like Goethe or telc (tel exams can be taken directly in Bamberg).
  • telc exams
  • Full board every day with the teacher's family - special attention to allergies and diets! Don't hesitate to ask!
  • Various leisure activities in the afternoon. A balanced mix of culture, shopping, sports, cinema, theatre or concerts.
  • Excursions to other German cities or sites of natural beauty on the weekends, special activities such as horse riding, golf, yoga classes, bike riding: available on request.
  • All of that in a wonderful surrounding with pool, park and forest.
  • In case of learning or concentration problems we happily can offer professional assistance!
  • In addition, we can set up a program to continue the German learning process via videoconferencing.
  • minimum stay 2 weeks.

NEW! Family course, 1 up to 4 kids plus 1 up to 3 parents. Tuition for kids. Tuition for adults also possible, but not mandatory. Full board. Prices on request.

SprachHaus Bamberg is looking back on a long experience of schooling kids, teens and young adults from all over the world. Experience German language and culture during summertime! ⚽
We at SprachHaus Bamberg are ready to combine learning success with a lot of fun during various leisure activities 🛹 – in the afternoon, because homework has to be done first.🏸 

Our students receive a lot more 🏓than just one-on-one German classes. SprachHaus is focussing on transmitting 🏐German culture to open-minded students and breaking barriers in their mind. Therefore, cross-cultural training 🎯is one of our tools 🎳to support the process of learning the German language. 🥅
A family stay, with personal protection 🤺and support from parents, will increase your daughter’s or son’s learning success. It can also help 🏹with problems of dyslexia, exam and exam 🎼 preparation stress. We are fully prepared for training 🎨 young students for their A-Level exams in German, such as the Swiss Federal Matura. 🎱

Examplary time table

8:30 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
German class
10:30 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
German class
12:30 p.m.
Free time
01:30 p.m.
02:00 p.m.
Free time and homework
04:00 p.m.
Leisure activities
06:00 p.m.
Free time
07:00 p.m.
08:00 p.m.
Free time and homework

Most wanted: combined course

3.290€ / 2 weeks

  • 26 lessons per week
  • incl. full board
  • Excursion on the weekend

A perfect solution if you can afford to stay 2 weeks or longer. In addition to  your 1 on 1 tuition in the morning you will have 2 extra 1 on 1 lessons in the  afternoon 3 times a week, e.g.

on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, plus 3 activities a week.

Business course


  • 32 lessons
  • incl. full board
  • cultural activities
  • 7 training units per day (4 on Wednesday)

Our Business German course is designed especially for expatriates and professionals. It offers you a total of 32 Business German 1 on 1 lessons per week, every morning and additional specific 1 on 1 training units in the afternoon, as well as job application training, cross-cultural training and presentation training.

On top, there will be three joint cultural activities, in the afternoon or evening, according to your needs and wishes. Also, Wednesday afternoons will be free of training units and at your disposal, as a source of recreation and new energy. Topics include business correspondence, telephone training, specific vocabulary.

This course ensures rapid and maximum progress in your particular domain. You will build up your specific vocabulary and get immediate feedback from your tutor. This is our most intensive course designed for a duration of one or two weeks. Immersion classes are an excellent way to make rapid progress for those who have limited time and want to progress rapidly.

Before you begin these intensive immersion classes, you will be asked to complete a needs analysis as well as a language placement test. This will enable us to structure a course suitable to your needs.

Business Interview

by Charles Kawashima | former student

German booster course


  • Kick off and booster course (start learning at zero or improve in short time)
  • 16 training units (FRI+SAT 6, SUN 4) intensive preparation for exams, job interviews, presentations etc.
  • full board
  • 1 evening in a local pub

You live in a reachable distance, like Berlin or Zurich? You are all too busy and you only can spend your rare weekend-time to refresh your knowledge of German? Then you are perfectly right with us! You may arrive on Thursday night or Friday morning, and for 3 days you’ll get 20 hours of intensive German training, full-board and a lot of time shared with the tutor’s family (City tour and beer degustation inclusive). A perfect solution for busy business people!

Online course: Learn German online

Online lessons are intended to be taken in a regular way, at least 1 lesson per week. Therefore, the regular period of time for 10 lessons is 3 months, for 25 lessons 6 months, and one year for 50 lessons.


  • 10 lessons (60 minutes) 


  • 25 lessons (60 minutes)


  • 50 lessons (60 minutes)

This program is for anybody who wants to learn German in the most flexible and effective way possible. One-to-one training with a private tutor is the most effective way one can learn and it is like a guarantee for your success. With one-to-one lessons, it’s completely flexible and allows you to choose the most convenient time for your private lessons. Videoconferencing makes it possible to have regular lessons just as if you were sitting in the very same room as your tutor. We have customers from all over the world who choose to learn German with us online – or continue learning with us after a homestay course here in Bamberg, Germany because it simply works!

Those who already had some language training sessions at SprachHaus Bamberg know that there’s an additional benefit: coaching is included in the language training. For those who would like to have some more of that, without the obligation to take a language course, we also offer coaching sessions, both online and face-to face here at SprachHaus.

Our method is simple, yet effective: active listening, asking helpful questions, trying to see things from a different perspective, focusing on solutions, not problems. Whether you need support with language learning, cross-cultural communication, or finding meaning in your new home, our coaching will help you both personally and professionally. Contact us today to schedule your first session!"

Master the Italian language with our personalized lessons. Our one-to-one approach ensures you receive tailored instruction that meets your unique needs and goals. Whether you're learning for holiday purposes or for business use, our lessons are designed to help you communicate confidently and effectively. From small talk for exhibitions and meetings, to improving your conversational skills, our we will guide you every step of the way. Learn at your own pace and experience the joy of speaking Italian.

Enroll in our lessons today and take the first step towards Italian proficiency. We offer online lessons as well as face-to-face lessons here at SprachHaus or at your nearby home, for up to three students

About Bamberg

If you are considering interesting places to learn German, you would most probably think of the many famous German towns and cities which are well known all over the world. But Bamberg? Never heard of it. Well, if that’s the case, allow us to introduce you to this city of now 77,000 inhabitants, located in northern Bavaria.

In one way, Bamberg is a typical German city; it has an historic ‘Old Town’ which has retained its original structure and buildings, many of which date from the early Middle Ages. This is one of the reasons that Bamberg was awarded UNESCO World Heritage status in 1993. German and European Middle Ages and Baroque history have not only been preserved, but also exist as a living and vital part of modern life.

Bamberg offers plenty of variety; the cultural and gastronomic choice is of high quality and able to satisfy almost any taste. Its major sights can be easily seen during the course of a week’s stay.

In addition, Bamberg is a very hospitable city. It’s pretty easy to begin a conversation with the locals in one of the city’s many pubs, so you can practice your German straight away.

Despite its antiquity, Bamberg is a youthful city. It has a university with around 13,000 students, and the large number of pavement cafes, pubs and clubs ensure that the streets are filled with young people day and night.

In a word, the combination of tradition, culture and quality of life in Bamberg proves irresistible to its visitors.


Our new website is online

We hope you like our new website. We look forward to your feedback.

1. Daily German snack: 15 minutes a day of German training keep the blues away and will bring you closer to your goals than just 60 minutes once a week!

Focus on what you actually need today. All topics, all levels. 4 snacks a week are perfect.

Contact us today and make your personal appointment!

2.  Individualised exam preparation on site at SprachHaus Bamberg: All exams. We go through the exam with you, prepare you and show you what you still need to work on. 3 intensive 90-minute sessions, only €249. A good exam preparation is the best way to succeed in the exam!

Get to know your homestay!
